
May 2, 2013

Countdown to Maternity Leave

After yesterday's efforts at work I now have just 4 weeks left of work. My shifts will actually be dropping to 2 a week next week so really only 8 shifts to go.... Yet it still feels like it will never end and I will never have my baby!!!

The past 2 weeks has been tough. As you may know we were all a bit sick a couple of weeks back. Well I has a big cough and ended up with rib pain. The dr said the pain was because of the cough. Well then the cough went, but the pain stayed!! OMG.

I had an ultrasound done and turns out the pain is actually my uterus pushing my floating ribs up.

The pain is shocking. I can't lay down at all. Thank god we have a recliner- that is currently my bed. Apparently the paid will not get any better, just worse as I get bigger.

So I am 31 weeks pregnant. 9 long weeks to go!!!